Upon check out & payment, you instantly get download links for the bought ebook(s). You download a PDF file for every ebook.
In case, a product is a ‘Bundle’, you get to download two or multiple ebooks.

We have no download limit. You can download as many times as you want. Immediately after purchase, your eBooks will be available for download.

However, for future downloads, you’ll need to be logged in or use download links on email sent to you after purchase

We take customer security very seriously. Our website has a SSL as shown by the padlock you can see next to our domain name in the browser. All payments are processed securely via PayPal

If you experience any challenge, kindly contact us. We’ll gladly assist you.


Yes, you can. After checkout you will be redirected to a Paypal page. There you can pay by credit card even if you don’t have a Paypal account..

You will be redirected to a page where you can download your eBooks. You will also receive an email with your download links.

You will receive your eBook(s) automatically after you have made your payment. Delivery is instant.

No, we don’t. We sell digital downloads and we don’t refund to avoid abuse.
Our products can’t be returned and no guarantee they won’t still be used.

Yes, you will receive a purchase invoice in your email.